As a universal phenomenon, information diffusion plays an important role in human life. The social media platform and its interaction with the public have had a profound impact on information diffusion, and brought many new problems and puzzles that need to be solved. This report focuses on the book titled Jumping over the network threshold: Information diffusion on social media (Wang, 2022). It touches an important puzzle in the field of information diffusion research: Contrary to the prediction of analytical models, empirical studies continue to find that large-scale diffusion is actually rare and fragile. The author show that the high network threshold, the limited diffusion depth, and the strong explosion phenomenon are the primary bottlenecks restricting information diffusion. Drawing on the threshold model proposed by Grannovetter (1978), this book systematically studies the information diffusion on social media. Then, it gradually moves towards attention flow and computational narrative research. Finally, the logic of computational social science is discussed using the concept of “the center of calculation” proposed by Bruno Latour.
线下: 浦食浦味紫金店(建邺区扬子江大道230号紫金文创园负1层)
腾讯会议 ID:963-1036-0435 会议密码:2050
主题: 从信息扩散、注意力流动到计算叙事:反思计算社会科学的逻辑
主讲人:王成军 南京大学新闻传播学院副教授、博士生导师,计算传播学实验中心主任,兼任香港城市大学互联网挖掘实验室研究员 提取码: 2nks
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专题主席 刘闯 杭州师范大学 教 授
CAAI 第七届全国大数据与社会计算学术会议(China National Conference on Big Data & Social Computing,简称 BDSC2022)由中国人工智能学会主办、社会计算与社会智能专委、浙江大学共同承办。